• Morte d’Arthur

    Oil paint on wood, 595 x 740 mm, Tate

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Other Works by 프레드릭 조지 스테판(Frederic George Stephens)View All

  • 프레드릭 조지 스테판

    Portrait of Clare Stephens by F.G. Stephens_ c. 1865, watercolor and gouache with scraping and selectively applied glaze on wove paper National Gallery of Canada

  • 프레드릭 조지 스테판

    Mother and Child_ Oil paint on canvas, 470 x 641 mm, Tate

  • 프레드릭 조지 스테판

    Morte d’Arthur_ Oil paint on wood, 595 x 740 mm, Tate

  • 프레드릭 조지 스테판

    The Proposal (The Marquis and Griselda)_ Oil on canvas, 80.6 x 64.8 cm, Tate