"Comfort Time of Through Love"

2023.09.21 ▶ 2023.12.26

New York Public Library⎼Mulberry Street Library Gallery

10 Jersey Street New York, NY 10012

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페이스북 트위터 링크 아이콘
  • 전시 포스터

  • Press Release

    "Comfort Time of Through Love"

    After the pandemic arrived, the world seemed to stop in an instant, leaving traces in the depths of our hearts. The traces left behind during this uncertain time became an eternal mark within the profound depths of our human psyche. Amidst the emotions of sorrow, pain, confusion, anxiety, and loss intertwined within these traces, we discovered a journey to recovery and, at its core, the power of love. This exhibition aims to resonate deeply with the audience through artworks that praise the infinite strength of love. In the bustling flow of modern society, people constantly chase their dreams and goals, often overlooking everything around them, especially precious relationships, and the love within them. This is considered one of the most painful losses in our existence. However, the unexpected respite brought by the pandemic gave many an opportunity to reflect on the precious moments with their families. Consequently, numerous households embraced special moments of reconciliation, strengthening their bonds. In the complex weave of modern civilization, the lack of communication can sometimes amplify a small misunderstanding into a significant conflict. However, it's crucial to remember that even a brief smile or a simple text message can brighten someone's day. This exhibition centers around the origin of love, the importance of attention, and the value of empathy, offering deep introspection on the true essence of happiness emanating from 'prayerful times' through selfless love.
    The exhibition features artworks from the 2022 series "What is Seen and What is Shown," crafted in analog methods, complemented by the digitally expressed series "Prayer Times."

    전시제목"Comfort Time of Through Love"

    전시기간2023.09.21(목) - 2023.12.26(화)

    참여작가 서자현

    관람시간Mon, Wed 11am-7pm
    Tues, Thur 10am-7pm
    Fri, Sat 10am-5pm
    Sun Closed


    장르회화, 사진, 설치


    장소New York Public Library⎼Mulberry Street Library Gallery ( 10 Jersey Street New York, NY 10012)

    기획Charlie Leppert

    주최New York Public Library⎼Mulberry Street Library Gallery

    주관New York Public Library⎼Mulberry Street Library Gallery


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