패티 보이드
Another Hotel Room /1974_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Another Hotel Room
패티 보이드
Eric in his Lancia /1976_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Eric in his Lancia
패티 보이드
A memorable week / 1968_ ⓒPattie Boyd_A memorable week
패티 보이드
George on the Isle of Skye /1971_ ⓒPattie Boyd_George on the lsle of skye
패티 보이드
Self Portrait - Mirror /1997_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Self Portrait - Mirror
패티 보이드
Pattie & Georges Rose Garden /1968_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Pattie & George's Rose Garden
패티 보이드
Album Cover Idea /1972_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Album Cover Idea
패티 보이드
Another Hotel Room /1974_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Another Hotel Room
패티 보이드
Eric in his Lancia /1976_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Eric in his Lancia
패티 보이드
A memorable week / 1968_ ⓒPattie Boyd_A memorable week
패티 보이드
George on the Isle of Skye /1971_ ⓒPattie Boyd_George on the lsle of skye
패티 보이드
Self Portrait - Mirror /1997_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Self Portrait - Mirror
패티 보이드
Pattie & Georges Rose Garden /1968_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Pattie & George's Rose Garden
패티 보이드
Album Cover Idea /1972_ ⓒPattie Boyd_Album Cover Idea