• 최수인(Choi Suin)

    1987년 출생


    oil on canvas, 145x112cm, 2009

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 조태광

    Life is an empty dream_ acrylic on canvas, 130.3x162.2cm, 2009

  • 김세윤

    #5_ mixed media on paper, 48x65cm, 2009

  • 이길

    Uncanny forest 2_ oil on canvas, 145.5x112.1cm, 2009

  • 조태광

    The Haven of Peace_ acrylic on canvas, 130.3x162cm, 2009

  • 김세윤

    Drawings_ mixed media on paper, 48x65cm, 2009

  • 최수인

    연인_ oil on canvas, 145x112cm, 2009

  • 최수인

    관련_ oil on canvas, 145x97cm, 2009

Other Works by 최수인(Choi Suin)View All

  • 최수인

    Purple rain_ Oil on canvas, 80x117cm, 2016

  • 최수인

    He gives me butterflies_ 2023, oil o canvas, 227.3x145.5cm

  • 최수인

    나를 보는 두 사람_Two observers_ 130x130cm Oil on canvas 2021

  • 최수인

    Bite_ 2023, oil on canvas, 97x193.9cm

  • 최수인

    노란 기분 Yellow mood_ 캔버스에 유채_130×130cm_2020

  • 최수인

    Lying down with somebody_ 2023, oil on canvas, 130.3x130.3cm

  • 최수인

    Who_s the white whale over there_ 130x130cm Oil on canvas 2021

  • 최수인

    Try to love_ 2023, oil on canvas, 130.3x130.3cm

  • 최수인

    가짜무덤(A fake tomb)_ Oil on canvas, 91x91cm, 2019

  • 최수인

    peeing_ 2023, oil on canvas, 227.3x145.5cm

  • 최수인

    White whale_s greeting_ 91x91cm Oil on canvas 2021

  • 최수인

    Can I stay here_ 2023 Oil on canvas 97x193.9cm

  • 최수인

    가짜무덤(A fake tomb)_ Oil on canvas 91x91cm 2019

  • 최수인

    Cuddling_ 2023 Oil on canavs 130.3x130.3cm

  • 최수인

    An angry mountain_ 캔버스에 유채_130×130cm_2020

  • 최수인

    Kiss 3_ 2023 Oil on canvas 116.8x80.3cm