• 강유진(Kang Yujin)

    1977년 서울 출생

    La Sagrada Familia

    enamel & acrylic on canvas, 181.8cm x 227.3cm, 2009

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  • 정현영

    Autumn Fall 가을_ acrylic on canvas, 70.5X103cm, 2009

  • 박용식

    12마리 대기중 12 On Standby_ 레진 위 아크릴릭,스테인레스스틸,스틸,우레탄, 210x210x160cm, 2006

  • 박주욱

    yellow tree_ oil on canvas, 130x89cm, 2010

  • 정현영

    Burning Heart of Eternity(영원의 타오르는 심장)_ acrylic on canvas, 76X96cm, 2009

  • 김영섭

    nter-view 꿈을 묶다_ 혼합재료, 가변설치, 2009

  • 임지현

    Tra-la-la_ pencil on paper, 107x160cm, 2009

  • 강영민

    Reconstruction_ Digital Prints Installation, 가변설치, 2008

  • 유봉상

    P1212_ 나무위에 못과 아크릴릭, 70X200cm, 2009

  • 유봉상

    pin20090330_ 나무위에 못과 아크릴릭, 65X200cm, 2009

  • 강유진

    La Sagrada Familia_ enamel & acrylic on canvas, 181.8cm x 227.3cm, 2009

  • 강영민

    오스틴순양함 Austin Downtown Cruiser_ Digital Print on Aluminum Panel, 400X550cm, 2008

  • 강유진

    Up and Down in Barcelona_ enamel & acrylic on canvas, 227.3cm x 181.8cm, 2009

Other Works by 강유진(Kang Yujin)View All

  • 강유진

    Alhambra_ enamel & acrylic on canvas, 97cmx130cm, 2009, 개인소장

  • 강유진

    Mountain Pool with Flags_ 2022 Enamel and acrylic on canvas 65.1 x 50cm

  • 강유진

    Pool in the garden with fire_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 90.9x65.1 cm

  • 강유진

    Brugge_ enamel and acrylic on canvas, 100x150cm, 2012

  • 강유진

    Sculpture in the garden_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 130x162cm

  • 강유진

    Bedroom with Red_ 캔버스에 애나멜, 아크릴, 130x160 cm, 2006

  • 강유진

    Pool with mountain_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 91.4x121.9 cm

  • 강유진

    베를린_ 2012, 100*150, enamel and acrylic on canvas

  • 강유진

    Cyclone twist_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 90.9x65.1 cm

  • 강유진

    Chamonix_ enamel and acrylic on canvas, 110x160cm, 2012

  • 강유진

    Oak spring garden_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 50.8x40.6cm

  • 강유진

    Pool_ 캔버스에 에나멜, 아크릴, 41cm X 24.5cm, 2010

  • 강유진

    pool in the garden_ 2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 145.5 x 97 cm

  • 강유진

    La Sagrada Familia_ enamel & acrylic on canvas, 181.8cm x 227.3cm, 2009

  • 강유진

    sculpture in the pool with fire_ 2024, enamel and acrylic on canvas, 91.4x121.9 cm

  • 강유진

    Berlin_ enamel and acrylic on canvas, 100x150cm, 2012