• 최병소(Choi Byung So)

    1943년 대구 출생


    2012 Newspaper, Ballpointpen, Pencil_37x58x1cm(12pieces)

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 곽훈

    Halaayt_ 2020 acrylic on canvas_162.2x130.3cm

  • 송광익

    Nothing, Paper_ 2020 Korean paper_540x840x90cm 송광익

  • 권정호

    3.5.8 Untitled_ 2020 Dakpaper_800x500x300cm

  • 김영진

    world 19_ 2020 mixed media_dimension variable

  • 박두영

    04BY202008B_ 2020 mixed acrylic medium on linen_225x155cm

  • 박철호

    반사_ 2020 Acrylic on canvas_227x182cm

  • 서옥순

    Walking in the imagination of whose time standing still_ 2020 mixed media_700x500x300cm

  • 최병소

    무제_ 2012 Newspaper, Ballpointpen, Pencil_37x58x1cm(12pieces)

Other Works by 최병소(Choi Byung So)View All

  • 최병소

    Untitled_ chair, paper tape, 240 x 180 x 75 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0151116_ 2015, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 47 x 32 cm

  • 최병소

    《意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS》 설치 전경_ 아라리오갤러리 서울, 2020

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0180301_ 2018, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 158.5 x 124 x 1 cm (100)

  • 최병소

    Untitled 0170528_ 2017, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 108 x 80 x 1 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0180621_ 2018, ballpoint pen and pencil on paper, 210 x 164 x 1 cm (150)

  • 최병소

    Untitled_ 1975, Magazine, text, 26 x 38 cm (38 x 54 cm, framed)

  • 최병소

    Untitled - 0151126_ 2015, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 47 x 32 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled_ 2010, ballpoint and pencil on newspaper, 54.5 x 40.5 x 1 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 016000_ 2016, Hangers, Dimensions variable (installation size: 730 x 430 cm)

  • 최병소

    Untitled-0151116_ 2015, ballpoint pen and pencil on newspaper, 47 x 32 x 1 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 975000_ 1975_Photography_53x38cm each_4 pieces

  • 최병소

    0170712 Untitled_ 2017, Paper, ballpoint pen, pencil, 110 x 80 x 1cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 01209_ 2012, ballpoint pen on paper box, 4 x 5.5 x 1.5 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 998_ 1998, Box, book, ballpoint pen, 23(h) x 18 x 28 cm

  • 최병소

    Untitled 01209_ 2012, ballpoint pen on paper box, 8 x 3.8 x 1.4 cm