• 문성식(Sungsic Moon)

    1980년 경북 김천 출생

    돌과 물 Stones and Water

    2024, charcoal powder, pencil, and oil on wooden panel, 30x20.2cm

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  • 권혜성

    풀밭 연습 Grassfield Exploring_ 2023, ink, conte on Korean paper, 142x406cm

  • 나나와 펠릭스

    꼴리산수자수병풍(렐라 헌정작) Landscape from Koli (for Lela)_ Twisted thread on silk, six panel folding screen, 176x245cm

  • 조종성

    From Stroke No.231124_ 2023, ink, pigment, gold with Korean paper on canvas, 193.9x130cm

  • 문성식

    돌과 물 Stones and Water_ 2024, charcoal powder, pencil, and oil on wooden panel, 30x20.2cm

  • 유승호

    사랑 사랑 누가 말했나 Love love, Who Says_ 2009-2012, ink on paper, 160.2x122cm

  • 장종완

    떨어진 알 A Fallen Egg_ 2023, acrylic gouache on Korean paper, 194×130.1cm

  • 최수련

    영광서루 사건과 가엾은 진서령 What Happened at Yingguang Library and Mr. Chen_s Misfortune_ 2024, watercolor, oil on linen, 227x182cm

Other Works by 문성식(Sungsic Moon)View All

  • 문성식

    숲의 내부를 위한 드로잉_ Acrylic on canvas, 53x65cm, 2010

  • 문성식

    Garden and Two Men_ 2021 Oil and pencil on canvas 27.4 x 22.2 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    Garden and a Family_ 2021 Oil and pencil on canvas 26 x 16.2 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    돌과 물 Stones and Water_ 2024, charcoal powder, pencil, and oil on wooden panel, 30x20.2cm

  • 문성식

    그냥 삶_ 2019, 캔버스에 혼합재료, 309x175cm (detail) Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 박동석 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 문성식

    Autumn Garden_ 2021 Oil and pencil on canvas 27.4 x 19.2 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    다시 청춘_ 2008, 종이에 아크릴, 112x76cm

  • 문성식

    Winter Tree_ 2021 Oil and pencil on canvas 27.4 x 19.2 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    그냥 삶_ 2017-2019, 캔버스에 혼합재료, 97x162.5 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 박동석 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 문성식

    Sad Ending_ 2021 Gesso, pencil, and acrylic gouache on canvas 41 x 32 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    그저 그런 풍경: 그저 그런 사랑_ 2018, 캔버스에 유화, 연필, 27.5 x 22.2 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 박동석 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 문성식

    Garden and I_ 2021 Gesso, pencil, and acrylic gouache on canvas 41 x 32 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 문성식

    정원과 노인_ 2017, 캔버스에 혼합재료, 30x53 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 박동석 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 문성식

    꽃.새.나비._ 2017, 판넬에 혼합재료, 14.8x35 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 권오열 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리

  • 문성식

    만남_ 2018, 캔버스에 젯소, 과슈, 18x25.8 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery, 사진: 권오열 이미지 제공: 국제갤러리