• 장종완(Jang Jong-Wan)

    1983년 부산 출생

    떨어진 알 A Fallen Egg

    2023, acrylic gouache on Korean paper, 194×130.1cm

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 권혜성

    풀밭 연습 Grassfield Exploring_ 2023, ink, conte on Korean paper, 142x406cm

  • 나나와 펠릭스

    꼴리산수자수병풍(렐라 헌정작) Landscape from Koli (for Lela)_ Twisted thread on silk, six panel folding screen, 176x245cm

  • 조종성

    From Stroke No.231124_ 2023, ink, pigment, gold with Korean paper on canvas, 193.9x130cm

  • 문성식

    돌과 물 Stones and Water_ 2024, charcoal powder, pencil, and oil on wooden panel, 30x20.2cm

  • 유승호

    사랑 사랑 누가 말했나 Love love, Who Says_ 2009-2012, ink on paper, 160.2x122cm

  • 장종완

    떨어진 알 A Fallen Egg_ 2023, acrylic gouache on Korean paper, 194×130.1cm

  • 최수련

    영광서루 사건과 가엾은 진서령 What Happened at Yingguang Library and Mr. Chen_s Misfortune_ 2024, watercolor, oil on linen, 227x182cm

Other Works by 장종완(Jang Jong-Wan)View All

  • 장종완

    Promise me_ Oil on Canvas, 145x227cm, 2010

  • 장종완

    빛의 노래_ 장지위에 아크릴릭 과슈, 33.3x24.3cm, 2021

  • 장종완

    '프롬프터' 설치 중 일부_ 2020, 혼합재료, 가변크기 ⓒ 2020 Jongwan Jang

  • 장종완

    그가 말하니 모두들 잠잠해졌다 He Spoke and All was Still_ Oil painting on deer skin, 110x155 cm, 2015

  • 장종완

    '프롬프터' 설치 중 일부_ 2020, 혼합재료, 가변크기 ⓒ 2020 Jongwan Jang

  • 장종완

    떨어진 알 A Fallen Egg_ 2023, acrylic gouache on Korean paper, 194×130.1cm

  • 장종완

    Corner of the Earth_ Oil on Canvas, 193x130cm, 2010

  • 장종완

    어딘가 다른 곳에서 In some other place_ 인조 얼룩말 러그 위에 유화 oil painting on fake zebra rug, 150x235cm,2016

  • 장종완

    The end of pain_ Color Pencil on Paper, 54x78cm, 2009

  • 장종완

    장종완, 고독한 양치기의 노래 The song of lonely Shepherd, 여우목도리, 나무피리 fox scarf_ wood pipe, 35x90x19cm, 2017 (detail)

  • 장종완

    The legend of ambition_ Color Pencil on Paper, 117x82cm, 2009

  • 장종완

    바르게 살자 Walk with God_ Oil Painting on lamb skin, 53x72cm, 2016

  • 장종완

    장종완, 냄새 Smell_ 2017, 단채널영상 Single channel video, 16.9, Stereo sound

  • 장종완

    Corner of the earth_ oil on canvas, 193x130cm, 2010

  • 장종완

    13번째 망설임_ 2015, 이름 모를 동물가죽에 유화, 135ⅹ93㎝

  • 장종완

    장종완, 제 말 좀 끝까지 들어 보세요 Please Wait until I have Finished_ 2017, Oil painting on torn linen with cow hide rug, wood and resin, Painting 130.3x194cm, Cow hide rug 172x151cm