• 산책

    2021, Oil on canvas, 230x600cm

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 강유정

    파도_플라이아데스(Wave_ Pleiades)_ 2021, Oil on canvas, 80x80cm

  • 강유정

    물의 모양II(Shapes of Water II)_ 2022, Oil on canvas, 45.5x45.5cm

  • 강유정

    백화립(The Eternal White)_ 2019, Oil on canvas, 80.3x100cm

  • 김재유

    여름날에 #3_ 2022, Oil on oil canvas, 116.8x80.3cm

  • 김재유

    여름날에 #4_ 2023, Oil on canvas, 116.8x80.3cm

  • 김재유

    절화_ 2023, oil on canvas, 90.9x65.1cm

  • 신준민

    산책_ 2021, Oil on canvas, 230x600cm

  • 신준민

    물 빛_ 2021, Oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm

  • 신준민

    바람나무_ 2024, Oil on canvas, 65.1x50cm

  • 장미

    How are you(Dear My Friend4)-01_ 2020, 판넬 위 혼합 매체, 227x181cm

  • 장미

    See you Soon_ 2024, Oil on canvas, 37.5x45.5cm

  • 장미

    The tunnel of Encouragement-새로운 길을 가는 이에게 전하는 따뜻한 격려_ 2024, Oil on canvas, 116.8x80.3cm

Other Works by 신준민(Shin Junmin)View All

  • 신준민

    검은 강_ oil on canvas, 181x227cm, 2018_s

  • 신준민

    푸른소리 (Blue sound)_ 2019, 캔버스에 유채, 181x227cm

  • 신준민

    산책_ oil on canvas, 181x227cm, 2017

  • 신준민

    하얀그림자 ( White shadow )_ 2019, oil on canvas, 227x150cm

  • 신준민

    산책_ oil on canvas, 227x545cm, 2017

  • 신준민

    잔디밭_ oil on canvas, 91x116.8cm, 2017

  • 신준민

    산책_ 2021, Oil on canvas, 230x600cm

  • 신준민

    물 빛_ 2021, Oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm

  • 신준민

    바람나무_ 2024, Oil on canvas, 65.1x50cm