• 하종현(Ha Chong-Hyun)

    1935년 경남 산청 출생


    마포천에 유채, 120x220cm, 1982, 국립현대미술관

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Other Works From the ShowView All

  • 곽인식

    작품(Work)_ 패널에 유리, 72x102cm, 1962, 국립현대미술관

  • 김춘수

    ULTRA-MARINE 1157_ oil on canvas, 200x200cm, 2011

  • 문범

    천천히,같이,천천히 3003_ acrylics,polyacryl urethane on panel, 170x170x8cm, 2005, 작가소장

  • 안정숙

    긴장_ Tension, 90x90x9cm, 2008

  • 이동엽

    무상-상황_ 캔버스에 유채, 162.2x130.3cm, 1972, 작가 소장

  • 정상화

    무제 07-9-15_ 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 259x194cm, 2007, 국립현대미술관

  • 김태호

    내재율 2011-44_ 캔버스에 아크릴릭, 163x260cm, 2011, 작가 소장

  • 김기린

    보이는 것과 보이지 않는 것_ 캔버스에 유채, 250x190cm, 1977, 리움 삼성미술관

  • 박서보

    묘법 No.43-78-79-81_ 면천에 유채, oil on canvas, 흑연, 193.5x259.5cm, 1981, 국립현대미술관

  • 하종현

    접합-7_ 마포천에 유채, 120x220cm, 1982, 국립현대미술관

  • 이우환

    점으로부터_ 캔버스에 안료, 117x117cm, 1976, 국립현대미술관

  • 윤형근

    Burnt Umber & Ultramarine Blue 86-29_ 캔버스에 유채, 300x150cmx(2), 1986, 국립현대미술관

Other Works by 하종현(Ha Chong-Hyun)View All

  • 하종현

    무제 B_ 캔버스에 유채_콜라주, 145.5x112cm, 1965, 국립현대미술관

  • 하종현

    탄생 67-1,2_ 1967, 캔버스에 콜라주(2000년 재제작)

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 21-38_ 2021 Oil on hemp cloth 162 x 130 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 18-12_ 2018 Oil on hemp cloth 227 x 182 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    접합20-09_ 2020, 마포에 유채, 100x100cm

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 21-82_ 2021 Oil on hemp cloth 117 x 91 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 15-04_ Oil on hemp cloth, 194x259cm, 2015

  • 하종현

    접합, 19-96_ 2019, 마포에 유채, 259x194cm

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 20-99_ 2020 Oil on hemp cloth 130 x 97 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 15-169_ 2015 Oil on hemp cloth 162 x 130 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 21-51_ 2021 Oil on hemp cloth 117 x 91 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    탄생 67-1,2_ 캔버스에 유채_콜라주, 200x300cm, 1967

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 99-03_ 1999 Oil on hemp cloth 185 x 185 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 17-95_ 2017 Oil on hemp cloth 180 x 120 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Post-Conjunction 21-201_ 2021 Mixed media 73 x 61 cm Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery Photo: Chunho An Image provided by Kukje Gallery

  • 하종현

    Conjunction 78-4_ Oil on hemp cloth, 160 x120cm, 1978, Image provided by Kukje Gallery Photo Kim Sang Tae