• 존 프레데릭 켄셋(John Frederick Kensett)

    1816년 미국 코네티컷 주 체셔 출생

    Upper Mississippi

    oil on canvas, 1855. St. Louis Art Museum

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Other Works by 존 프레데릭 켄셋(John Frederick Kensett)View All

  • 존 프레데릭 켄셋

    Postcard c.1914, of Contentment Island. By the early 1870s Kensett was spending considerable time at his home on Contentment Island, on Long Island Sound near Darien, Connecticut._

  • 존 프레데릭 켄셋

    Trout Fisherman_ oil on canvas, 1852. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

  • 존 프레데릭 켄셋

    Upper Mississippi_ oil on canvas, 1855. St. Louis Art Museum

  • 존 프레데릭 켄셋

    The Old Pine, Darien, Connecticut, c. 1872_ Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City