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[행사소식] [도쿄 Taka Ishii Gallery] ROOM | LIGHT 전



일본 타카이시 갤러리의 전시를 소개합니다.

토야마 히로후미
Taka Ishii Gallery Toyko | July 1 - July 29 2017

- 관람 시간: 화요일-토요일 11:00AM - 7:00PM
- 전시 장소: Taka Ishii Gallery Tokyo
(complex 665 3F, 6-5-24 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo #106-0032, Japan, Tel: +81-3-6434-7010)
- 전시 이미지: www.dodooba.com/guide_details.php?ref_id=4021&feature_type=0

Throughout his career, Hirofumi Toyama (b. 1967, Japan) has addressed the very means and processes in which painting is produced. His works are an elegant union of line, surface and colours. White sections, which Toyama refers to as ‘vacant spaces’ and ‘remnants’ introduce movement to his austere compositions. Simple elements such as ‘horizontality’ (ridge lines), ‘verticality’ (boundaries of space) and ‘obliqueness’ (light and diagonal rays) instil the rectangular plane with the impression of spatiality, thus creating a certain fluctuation that adds balance and richness to the painterly space. Toyama has until now examined the relationship between painter and painting, focusing on the interior of the tableau. “Room | Light” presents Toyama’s new attempts to create single works comprised of multiple canvases. The exhibition features eight works centred around two diptychs: two sets of works consisting of two canvases of the same size placed side-by-side. The collection of works carefully selected and installed extend beyond the contours of each canvas: They respond to the gallery’s natural light—considered an important component of the work—and to each other. They offer viewers entrance into Toyama’s contemplative realm that meditates upon the means by which painting and the outside world influence each other.
