2019, Powdered pigment, animal skin glue, and water on unbleached cotton 86 × 73 × 2.9 cm
3 Questions
2019 Korean paint on linen 179 x 362 x 6 cm, 3pcs
열림과 닫힘
124.5 x 222.5cm Korean color on Linen 2014
2019 Korean paint on linen 215.5 x 213 x 6.5 cm
사각 死角
2020, 리넨에 한국화와 아크릴릭, 122x488cm, 122x488cm, 122x244cm, 122x220cm. ⓒ 이진주 및 아라리오갤러리 제공
피의 일 Obligation of Blood
34.5x 30,5 cm Korean Paint on Linen 2018
저지대 The Lowland
2017 Korean paint on Linen 122 x 550 cm
Count to five
2019 Korean paint on linen 290.5 x 100.3 x 6.8 cm
가짜우물 Deceptive Well
2017 Korean paint on Linen 70.5 x 528 cm, 77.8 x 416 cm, 122.7 x 444 cm
오목한 노래
2017, 120 x 240cm, Powdered Pigment, Animal Skin Glue and Water on Unbleached Cotton ARARIO Collection