이배(Lee Bae)

1956년 경상북도 청도 출생

서울에서 활동


홍익대학교 회화과 전공 석사
홍익대학교 회화과 전공 학사


2018 프랑스 문화예술공로훈장 기사장
2013 올해의 작가상, 과천 국립현대미술관, 한국
2009 올해의 작가상, Korean Cultural Center, 파리, 프랑스
2000 올해의 작가상, 과천 국립현대미술관, 한국


2021 우손갤러리, 대구, 한국
2021 Paradigm of Charcoal, 페로탕 갤러리, 홍콩
2021 UNION, Foundation PHI, 몬트리올, 캐나다
2020 The Sublime Charcoal Light, 페로탕 갤러리, 도쿄, 일본
2020 조현화랑, 달맞이, 해운대, 한국
2020 갤러리 2, 서울, 제주, 한국
2019 Promenade, Galerie Perrotin, New York, USA
2019 Venice Wood Water, Wilmotte Foundation, Venice, Italy
2018 Black Mapping, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
2018 Plus de lumière, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France
2018 Overstated & Understated, Paradise Art Space, Incheon, Korea
2017 Mir Gallery, Pohang, South Korea
2016 Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea
2016 Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France
2016 Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire, Chaumont-sur-Loire, France
2015 Musée Guimet, Paris, France
2014 Fernet Branca Fondation, Saint-Louis, France
2014 Gallery Hyundai, Korea
2014 Contemporary Art Museum, Daegu, Korea
2014 RX Gallery, Paris, France
2014 Wooson Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2013 Holly Hunt, New York, USA
2012 P&C Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2011 Musée d’Art moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint-Étienne, France
2011 RX Gallery, Paris, France
2011 Galerie Nicolas Robinsons, New York, USA
2011 Galerie IBU, Paris, France
2011 Galerie Winter, Wiesbaden, Germany
2010 Galerie Andrew shire, Los Angeles, USA
2010 Galerie 604, Busan, Korea
2009 Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2009 Whitebox Art Center, New York, USA
2009 Gallery Seok, Daegu, Korea
2008 Hakgojae, Seoul, Korea
2008 RX Gallery, Paris, France
2007 Hakgojae, Seoul, Korea
2006 RX Gallery, Paris, France
2005 IBU Gallery, Paris, France
2005 Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2005 Gallery M, Daegu, Korea
2005 Kawafune Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2003 Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea
2003 Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2000 Artist of the Year, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2000 Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
2000 Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2000 Kongkan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1999 Space Galley, Busan, Korea
1999 Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
1999 Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1998 Galerie Gana-Beaubourg, Paris, France
1997 Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
1996 Willy d’Huysser Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
1996 Seomi Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1994 Bellefroid Gallery, Paris, France
1993 Espace Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
1991 Bateau-Lavoir Gallery, Paris, France
1988 Soo Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1987 Kyungin Gallery, Seoul, Korea


2024 2024 소장품기획전 《회화적 지도 읽기》, 대구미술관, 대구
2024 드로잉, 삶의 철학을 그리다, 소마미술관, 서울
2022 Abstract, 갤러리 일호, 서울
2021 재난과 치유 Catastrophe and Recovery, 국립현대미술관, 서울
2019 Venice Wood Water, Wilmotte Foundation, Venice, Italy
2018 Overstated & Understated. Inaugural exhibition curated by Kuho Jung, Paradise Art Space, Incheon, South Korea
2017 Art Central, Johyun Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2016 KIAF, Johyun Gallery, P&C Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2016 ART 16, London’s Global Art Fair, London Olympia, Galerie RX, London, UK
2016 Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Changwon, South Korea
2016 Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, South Korea
2016 Art Paris Art Fair 2016, Galerie RX, Grand Palais, Paris, France
2016 Winter, Galerie RX, Paris, France
2016 Nouvel acquisition, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
2015 Séoul – Paris – Séoul, Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France
2015 Biennale d’Issy, Issy les Moulineaux, France
2014 (projects) Overcoming the Modern, Dansaekhwa, The Korean Monochrome Movement,
2014 Alexander Gray Gallery, New York, USA
2014 Busan Biennale, Museum of Contemporary Art, Busan, Korea
2013 International Drawing Exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
2013 “Les Nouvelles folies françaises”, domain of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. Musée d’archéologie national and château, within the “Le Nôtre Year” – Commissioner: Patrick Amine.
2012 Plaisir, RX Gallery, Paris, France
2012 Dansaekhwa: Korean Monochrome Painting, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon/Seoul, Korea
2012 Nature in Contemporary Art, Museum of the City of Yang Pyung, Korea
2011 Artist of the Year, 1995-2010, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2010 International Architectural Ceramic exhibition, Clayrch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea
2009 “Vide et plénitude”, Espace Commines, Paris, France
2008 Paris-Séoul, Seoul Museum (Hangaram), Seoul, Korea
2008 International Textile and Art Documenta, Daegu Art Center, Korea
2006 Look on Korean Contemporary Art, Gallery Jean Fournier, Paris, France
2006 Christianity in Contemporary Art, Lumen Gallery, Paris, France
2006 Frontier, Montparnasse Museum, Paris, France
1999 Nature in Modern Art, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
1999 Berlin-Seoul, Berlin Municipal Communal Gallery, Berlin, Germany
1999 Area of Painting, Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
1997 Independent, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Tokyo, Japan
1996 21st Century’s Prospect, Seoul, Korea
1996 Aspect of Korean Contemporary Art in the 1990s, Tokyo National Museum of Modern art, Tokyo; Osaka International Museum of Contemporary Art, Osaka, Japan
1996 Black and White, Seomi Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1996 Seven Spaces in One Place, Manufacture des Oeillets, Ivry, France
1995 Atelier Opening, Ateliers Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
1995 Another Dimensions, Espace Artsenal , Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
1994 Conspirator, Ateliers Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux. France
1994 New and Powerful Art from Artsenal, Gallery Art Beam, Seoul, Korea
1994 ‘94 Daegu Work Shop, Cigong Gallery, Daegu, Korea
1994 Two-Days, Two-Nights, Ateliers Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
1994 Exhibitor for Opening de l’Espace Artsenal-Paris,
1994 Espace Artsenal-Paris, Paris, France
1993 Three Korean Artists-Lee Bae, Kwon Soonchul, An Jongdae, Bellefroid Gallery, Paris, France
1993 Atelier Opening, Ateliers Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
1992 Paris-Over There, Kwok On Museum, Paris, France
1991 Europe Factory, Center for Contemporary Art, Pantin, France
1991 Young Artist, Center for Korea Culture, New York, USA
1988 Korea Seen Through Contemporary Artists, Albert Chanot Art Center, Paris, France
1988 Origines, Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Museum, Seoul, Korea
1987 The Korean Young Artists, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
1987 Heterodox, Center for Korea Culture, New York, USA


National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
Museum of Contemporary Art, Dae Gu, Korea
Jeju Museum of art, Jeju, Korea
Leeum-Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea
Musée d’art moderne Saint-Etienne, France
Gyeongnam Art Museum, Gyeongnam, Korea
Fondation Colas, France
Privada Allegro Foundation, Madrid, Spain
Baruj Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris, France
FNAC (Fonds National d’art Contemporain), Paris, France
CNAP (Centre national des arts plastiques), Paris, France
Fondation Carmignac, Paris, France
Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France
Musée Guimet, Paris, France

ArtworksView All

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    charcoal on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2000

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    installation view at Lee Bae Studio in 2019

    Photograph by Park Myungrae

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    Issu du feu

    charcoal on canvas, 130 x 162 cm, 2000

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    2014, acrylic medium with charcoal on canvas, 162x130cm (100F)

Shows on Mu:umView All

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    개관13주년기념 <왜곡된 진실, 가볍거나 무겁거나>


    2024.12.06 ~ 2025.02.23

  • 전시 썸네일

    2024 소장품기획전 《회화적 지도 읽기》


    2024.04.09 ~ 2024.08.18

  • 전시 썸네일

    드로잉, 삶의 철학을 그리다


    2024.04.19 ~ 2024.08.25

  • 전시 썸네일

    The Remarkable:legend artists


    2023.12.01 ~ 2024.02.03