• 프레드릭 레이턴(Lord Frederic Leighton)

    1830년 영국 스카버러 출생

    Sir Frederick Leighton by George Frederic Watts

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Other Works by 프레드릭 레이턴(Lord Frederic Leighton)View All

  • 프레드릭 레이턴

    After Vespers_ 1871; Princeton University Art Museum

  • 프레드릭 레이턴

    Sir Frederick Leighton by George Frederic Watts_

  • 프레드릭 레이턴

    Flaming June_ oil on canvas, 120.6x120.6cm, 1895, Museum of Art of Ponce

  • 프레드릭 레이턴

    화가의 허니문_ oil on canvas, 86.8x77.5cm, 1864