• 헤라르트 테르 보르흐(Gerard ter Borch)

    1617년 네덜란드 즈볼러 출생

    Self-portrait by Gerard ter Borch (c. 1668)

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Other Works by 헤라르트 테르 보르흐(Gerard ter Borch)View All

  • 헤라르트 테르 보르흐

    The Ratification of the Treaty of Münster_ 15 May 1648 (1648) in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

  • 헤라르트 테르 보르흐

    His sister Gesina modelled for his painting Sitting Young Woman (c. 1650)_

  • 헤라르트 테르 보르흐

    Curiosity_ ca. 1660–62, Oil on canvas, 76.2 x 62.2 cm

  • 헤라르트 테르 보르흐

    Self-portrait by Gerard ter Borch (c. 1668)_