• 제임스 맥두걸 하트(James McDougal Hart)

    1828년 영국 스코틀랜드 출생

    Gleneida Lake, Putnam County, New York (1863)

    oil on canvas, 17.5 inch. x 30.25 inch.

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Other Works by 제임스 맥두걸 하트(James McDougal Hart)View All

  • 제임스 맥두걸 하트

    The Old Homestead_ oil on canvas, 1862, High Museum of Art

  • 제임스 맥두걸 하트

    A Stream in the Adirondacks (1859)_ oil on canvas, 21.125 x 35.25 inch.; collection of Walters Art Museum

  • 제임스 맥두걸 하트

    Gleneida Lake, Putnam County, New York (1863)_ oil on canvas, 17.5 inch. x 30.25 inch.

  • 제임스 맥두걸 하트

    Summer in the Catskills (1865)_ oil on canvas, collection of Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum