• 폴 세잔(Paul Cezanne)

    1839년 프랑스 엑상프로방스 출생

    Femme au Chapeau Vert (Woman in a Green Hat. Madame Cézanne.)


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Other Works by 폴 세잔(Paul Cezanne)View All

  • 폴 세잔

    Femme au Chapeau Vert (Woman in a Green Hat. Madame Cézanne.)_ 1894–1895

  • 폴 세잔

    Les Grandes Baigneuses_ 1898–1905: the triumph of Poussinesque stability and geometric balance

  • 폴 세잔

    The Artist's Father, Reading "L'Événement"_ 1866, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

  • 폴 세잔

    Still Life with a Curtain (1895) illustrates Cézanne's increasing trend towards terse compression of forms and dynamic tension between geometric figures._

  • 폴 세잔

    Mont Sainte-Victoire, ca.1887, Courtauld Institute of Art_

  • 폴 세잔

    카드놀이하는 사람들_ 캔버스에 유채, 47x56.5cm, 1895, 오르세미술관