• 강익중(Kang Ik-Joong)

    1960년 충청북도 청주 출생


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  • 강익중


  • 강익중


  • 강익중


  • 강익중


Other Works by 강익중(Kang Ik-Joong)View All

  • 강익중

    Study for ‘Blended with the Wind, Continued to The Earth’_ 2009 2009, 2010 Shanghai EXPO,China

  • 강익중


  • 강익중

    The Moon is Rising_ 2022, Acrylic on linen, 60 x 60 x 4 cm

  • 강익중


  • 강익중

    Multiple / Dialogue∞ (Nam June Paik, Ik-Joong Kang)_ 2009 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea

  • 강익중


  • 강익중

    The Moon is Rising_ 2021, Acrylic on wood, 48 x 48 x 4 cm

  • 강익중


  • 강익중

    Mountain and Wind_ Mixed Media on Wood /155 by 89 feets /2007 Gwang Hwa Moon Gate, Seoul, Korea

  • 강익중

    Gwanghwamun Jar_ 2008-2012, Acrylic on wood, 60 x 60 x 4 cm

  • 강익중

    Amazed World_ 34,000 children’s drawings from 135 countries /2001 UN, New York, NY

  • 강익중

    Gwanghwamun Jar_ 2008-2012, Acrylic on wood, 60 x 60 x 4 cm

  • 강익중

    Things I Know_ 2010, 40,000 Aluminum Panels, 각 45 x 45cm

  • 강익중

    Moon Jar_ 2016, Acrylic on wood, 48 x 48 x 4 cm

  • 강익중

    누워있는 맥아더_ 104.1x274.3cm, 1997

  • 강익중

    Moon Jar with Gray_ 2018, Mixed media on wood, 120 x 120 x 4 cm